Special Topics in Letterpress
Special Topics in Letterpress, Spring 2023
This course was taught for the first time in the Spring of 2023 and was a stacked course cross-listed as Special Topics in Graphic Design and Special Topics in Art, made up graphic design and printmaking students, all with no previous letterpress experience. The course was taught as an “intro to letterpress” course and students spent the semester learning various letterpress equipment and printing techniques, both individually and in groups. At the end of the semester, students had the opportunity to visit Hound Dog Press and Brad Vetter Design in Louisville, KY.
This was a new course prep and included syllabus creation, course schedule creation, project creation and prep, as well as organizing the shop and sourcing materials and supplies. I had several conversations with Brad Vetter (WKU Grad and Letterpress Printer) and Erin Beckloff, Letterpress Printer and Educator. They were instrumental in helping me determine best practices for teaching the course in regards to projects, use of equipment, materials, and overall course flow and structure.
Assignments Included: The Volume Project* (a collaborative group project on the challenge press); Conversational Coasters* (individual project using the C & P); Everything but the Type (various presses and processes); and a self-proposed final project (various presses and processes).
*Projects courtesy of Erin Beckloff, Letterpress Printer and Educator
Student Work

Process Photos

Field Trip